Monday, November 13, 2006

Four Things I remember when I was Four times Two

When I was 4, we lived in Silver Springs Maryland in a High Rise, Although they are not my earliest memories... they do tend to give me a look at where my creative journey began to take form....

So Here they are:
1. Putting Ice Cream in my pocket to bring home to my mom at a birthday party in Boston
2. I traded the sewing machine my mother gave to me to the girl next door for a Box of Crayons
3. Getting into the swimming pool when no one was looking and floating like an angel (that was how I got signed up for swimming lessons)
4. Watching the paramedics pulling the sheet over our neighbors sons face after he died from sniffing glue
(that was one I never forgot... My brother & I used to hang out over there with the kids some times... they were young teenagers, no parents ever home during the day, and we evidently were allowed to run around and do what ever we wanted... they never did any thing to hurt us we were pretty young... and they were really nice kids....)
5. Getting stuck in the elevator... several times... by myself... and not being able to reach the emergency phone
6. Getting in to the backseat of Mary Jane Riches car (that was who I was named after) for a trip to Maine... where again I slipped out of view and took to the Water... where again they found me floating like an angel....
7. Riding in the backseat of my parents car during the war protests with hundreds of hippies camped out on the lawn of their College campuses, My parents in the front seat talking about how awful they were, and I, in my flower print shorts and top (the ones I was wearing when my pediatrician called me a flower child) sitting in the back seat thinking how cool I thought it was...
And Finally #8...
The day my brother came running up to me because he had something so cool he wanted to show me...
He excitedly took me into his bedroom... He had a glass of water in his hand, and the table lamp was on ... the light bulb was hot... and he dumped the glass of water over the lightbulb... and just laughed and laughed about how it blew to pieces...
So now you see... That is where I got the bright idea from: To Pour Cold Water over Hot Lightbulbs...

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