Saturday, September 12, 2009

Studio Day... Finally

Hitting the ground running... Slowly at first... and then??? I am undertaking the work of Grant writing and Documentation. My first impulse is to panic about the upcoming deadlines. I have spent the last several hours reviewing and selecting points of interest of which to focus my attention. As usual in my creative world... the documentation is not where I would like it to be. So if I don't get anything else done in the near future this would be an excellent area to address. Also today I am enjoying the privilege of a quiet day alone to think for myself, organize my thoughts and sift through written material from my archives... then start updating for this round of applications I have set sail in the wind before me. All in all this is the place I have been trying to get to for months.
My new job has me half way to utopia... 3 days on... 3 days off...
or more precisely...
3 days to generate revenue for survival and creativity and...
3 days in the studio.
Not a bad option for a life dedicated to the creativity of my spirit.


Jennifer said...

Nope, not a bad option for life dedicated to the creativity of spirit.

Thanks again for the song. It was perfect! :)

Miss Jane Mansfield said...

Thanks Jennifer...
I keep coming back to your world because you have a way of lifting my spirits... :-)