Monday, January 18, 2010

Spring Time in January

Opening the windows to let the sun shine in... Between the normal energy it takes to get through the holidays and Starting over again after the company I worked for dissolved I am clearing away the cobwebs and trying to remember what it is I am supposed to be doing to get my grant proposal together. Oh... and did I mention I am facing putting my dog of 10 years to sleep any day now??? That is going to be hard.
But today... I need a studio day. I did tons of research for Tornado Sky: Sunrise. This is a project proposal for Franconia Sculpture Park. I have had to make some revisions for safety reasons, but I have come up with a wonderful solution that is basically what I like to call a Disneyland version of the original, while still leaving the door open for a special event that will show the work in it's raw electrical form.
This afternoon I will be updating the research page. When it is done, I will post a link here so you can see what my mad science mind has been doing for the past 2 months since I last updated my journals.
Then tonight, I am invited to visit the glass blowing studio that I will be collaborating with to make this concept come to life.
With less than 4 weeks left to pull it all together, I am ready to take on the challenge. The rest of the world will have to take second place for a while...
Of coarse except for my sweet angel... the most beautiful creature I have ever known... at 160 pounds in his prime, this Alaskan Malamute Rottweiler mix has been turning heads every time he took me out for a walk over the last decade.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

MJ- I'm so sorry to hear about your pooch. :(