Monday, January 14, 2008

Turning Dreams into Reality

Flashback.... Dec 7 2006:
"From where I sit today, I am chasing other dreams. The dreams of my imagination. For 3 days I have done almost nothing more than write and sort words and dates and past events to juggle together in some fashion of order of what it is I have done and what I am proposing to do... and now , all of the paper work is complete and I am left with kind of a humorous task... To assemble visual documentation for a piece of art that doesn't even exist!! Not in the physical world anyway... Aside from words and ontological musings!!"

The Electric Water house series began to take form in the fall of 2006. At the time only the house of calm had been realized. As I moved into the process of creating what was meant to be a scaled down prototype of the actual work.. (30 water buckets, as opposed to the 6 that exist in the small scale version.) Something quite unexpected happened. I began to uncover bits and pieces through old journals indicating that I had actually made notes and plans over the years toward the creation of this piece, but also there was a lot more to it I hadn't connected with. The deepest underlying message was to pay attention to re-curring images in my drawings, and then the entire series began to unfold.
So... more than a year later, from when a simple show proposal was coming together, I am in the final phases of creating the Electric Water House series as I begin work on the House of Transformation... as well as re-visiting my initial objective for an exhibition.
Although I am focusing primarily on sculptural work at this time, Time based elements and performance work will ultimately come into the picture when I actually begin to show this work.
The short life span of much of the sculpture I have created is one of the challenges I am currently addressing.

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